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Capitalize on the best stocks before they soar.

We believe the best way to succeed in the stock market is to invest in around 20 companies with exceptional characteristics, then let them grow patiently over time. We help you identify which ones.


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Our actions record performance30% higher than the CAC40 since July 2020

By carefully analyzing the accounts of hundreds of companies around the world, our team strives every month to find the top 1% of the most promising companies in which to invest.

Perf. bigfish


Perf. CAC40


Performancebigfish stock selection



Portfolio performance of +41% since July 2020

From our portal, instantly access our entire library of actions published since our launch.

Each end of the month, receive a new action, carefully supported by our teams to help you make your choice. 







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We are not diviners.
Just passionate.

At bigfish investing, we firmly believe that you don't have to be the "wolf of Wall Street" to succeed in the stock market.

All you need is a few great companies to invest in, and a healthy dose of investment.patience. Our results speak for themselves.

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1 new action per month - we do the analyzes for you

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I who saw the stock market as an opaque universe, bigfish investing was able to convert me by giving me a real framework of understanding, difficult to find on your own.

Each month, these recommendations allow me to better understand what criteria really matter when studying an investment. A real practical case of finance and strategy! 

Federico Campagna

bigfish investing allows me to make more informed investment decisions, while leaving me in control unlike a manager or a robo-advisor.

Myriam Lecocq

In just a few minutes per month, bigfish investing allows me to achieve remarkable performance. With 30 daysto cancel as a bonus, you take no risk.

Mourad Mouslih


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Tarifs accueil
  • What is the bigfish premium subscription?
    bigfish premium provides access to two main services: - Our selection of stocks, including all the stocks recommended monthly by our analysts since the launch of our portfolio with their associated performance, - Our investor forum, where you can interact with investors curious to learn more about the best investment opportunities.​
  • I'm starting on the stock market, is your subscription plan intended for me?
    Exactly! By providing "turnkey" advice, our subscription can be aimed at beginners, as well as more seasoned investors wishing to boost their performance on the stock market.
  • Concretely, if I subscribe, how can I replicate your performances?
    It's very simple. With each new action, you will be notified by e-mail and will then have all the elements to understand why we think it is a good investment. If this action interests you, all you have to do is look for its name in your securities account and place your order.
  • What investment medium is required to invest in your shares?
    In the overwhelming majority of cases, you will need a securities account to invest in our shares. The reason is simple: it is quite rare that we identify real nuggets listed in Europe. We realize that many investors swear by the PEA; it is a choice that we fully assume. The reason is twofold: 1) We believe that it is much better to invest in exceptional companies without tax advantages than in average companies with a tax advantage. However, it is important to understand that companies in the old continent are on average much less efficient than elsewhere, in the United States for example. Evidenced by the graph published by the bank Credit Suisse below: On average, French companies have thus posted an annual performance of +3.5% from 1900 to 2020, similar to that of their European neighbors. American companies, +6.6%. So ask yourself the question: are you really ready to divide your performance by two or three, just to pay 12.8% less tax? 2) There are now many brokers offering securities accounts at unbeatable prices, even cheaper than the best PEAs. We have produced a complete comparison to help you make your choice.< /p>
  • What makes you different?
    We help French individuals, whatever their level of investment, to better invest their money by simplifying the process of investing in the stock market as much as possible. We give you simple and concise guidelines for learning how to invest, and give you our opinion on the best stocks in which to invest throughout your life as an investor. All this information should enable you to invest in the stock market under the best possible conditions, and to obtain the best possible performance over the long term.
  • Can I entrust my money directly to bigfish investing?
    We understand you: delegating the management of your money to a private manager, or a robo-advisor (Yomoni, Nalo, WeSave, etc.) is reassuring. However, believe us: managing your money directly is neither in your interest, nor in ours. ​ Not in yours, because managing your money would involve applying commissions on your performance. At bigfish investing, we believe your success is entirely up to you. If the impact of commissions may seem insignificant in percentage, put end to end, they represent a real difference on your final performance. We therefore prefer to apply a fixed rate to our subscribers. ​ Above all, in investing, we believe it is essential to believe in what you are investing in. By letting you choose your investments yourself, we allow you to give meaning to your portfolio. These convictions that you will develop are precisely what will help you to hold on in difficult times, and thus, to perform well over time. ​ Managing your money is finally not interesting for us, because it would require us to obtain AMF approval, the cost of which is, let's be honest, quite prohibitive. We would thus be forced to pass on this cost in our rates, as private managers/robo-advisors do... With the consequence, a performance that is both expensive and mediocre, as we explained in our analysis of . By letting you manage your money, we allow you to benefit from high quality recommendations at an unbeatable price. As Maimonides said: "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime"...
  • I don't understand the added value of bigfish investing.
    Our goal is simple: to give you the keys to maximizing your performance on the stock market. It is not always easy to know what to invest in. Then we are looking for you. By analyzing hundreds of companies, we recommend a new one every month that we believe is ideal for a long-term investment. While past performance is not indicative of future performance, we provide you in a transparent manner with the results of our equity portfolio since our launch, updated monthly, a guarantee of our ability to achieve performance over time.< /p>
  • Do I necessarily have to invest in each of your stocks?
    As you see fit: you can follow our recommendations every month without worrying too much about the companies behind them. However, we advise against investing in this way. Invest in what you believe in. We're here to shine a light on great companies; but you are in charge. Understand why we believe in these companies, then form your own opinion before investing.
  • How many actions are published each month?
    Only one. The reason is simple: the number of listed companies that we consider to be of very high quality is not that large. We would thus be unable to obtain such high performance if we had to draw 2, 3, or 4 times more actions, because that would push us to considerably reduce our requirement bar.We therefore believe that the best investment performance does not come from the quantity of opportunities in which you invest, but from the quality of what you have invested in.Rest assured, however: our subscription includes access to all of our recommended actions since our launch in July 2020. So many investment ideas to browse!
  • Do you recommend ETFs?
    No. We believe that recommending ETFs is neither in our interest nor in yours.The reason is simple: in essence, an ETF provides direct exposure to a large number of stocks. Generally, the shares contained in an ETF are grouped by sector (ETF Robotics, health, etc.) or geography (CAC40 for France, S&P500 for the United States, etc.). In any case, it is rare that any kind of sorting is carried out on the quality of the companies constituting these ETFs. These are therefore composed by default of a multitude of good, average, but also bad investments.Our objective is therefore precisely to do this sorting for you, in order to allow you to forge your own "super ETF". Composed of a maximum of good companies... and a minimum of bad ones.Remember: our only goal is to help you beat the market. So how do you beat it if we recommend instruments that just follow it?
  • Are we also notified when you think it  is time to sell a stock?
    Absolutely. If so, we'll remove the stock from our table, stop counting its performance in our selection calculation, and send you a notification explaining why.Note, however, that this is not frequent, as we only do it for very specific reasons. For example, we would never withdraw a stock simply because it had already gone up enough, reached price X or Y, or fell too far. If you have already taken the time to browse some of our educational articles (cf. the menu bar of our home page ), you have probably realized that only the trajectory taken by the company matters to us.The inertia of a company being generally much longer than that of a share, the price of which can collapse in a few weeks, and our method aims precisely to invest in companies that we see succeeding over the long term (> 5 years), it is therefore rare that we change our minds on a short/medium term action.
  • Do you invest yourself in the stocks you recommend?
    Because we believe in what we recommend (still happy!), we often hold stocks from our selection in our personal portfolios. We think this is a good thing because it allows us to align our interests with yours. We apply a strict transparency policy on this subject, by systematically communicating in our recommendations the holding of any related positions. You will find this statement at the bottom of each recommendation, as follows: "bigfish staff hold a long position in XXX".​
  • How does the 30 day guarantee work?
    Once you subscribe for 12 months, you have 30 days to cancel your subscription. The refund includes all costs incurred by the customer, refunded within 5 to 10 days on your account. To do this, simply write to us via the section Contact to ask us for a refund. No conditions will be asked of you. ​ Note that this guarantee is only valid in the case of a first subscription. A renewed subscription is therefore no longer eligible for this guarantee.
  • How do I cancel my subscription?
    Two possibilities: - You have opted for a monthly subscription: simply click on your account at the top right of the screen (on computer or tablet), then Subscription > Cancel subscription. ​ - You have opted for an annual subscription: send us an e-mail in our section Contact : we will take care of cancel your subscription.

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All information provided by bigfish investing is of a general nature for informational and educational purposes, and should never be construed as investment advice. bigfish investing does not take into consideration your specific needs, investment objectives or financial situation, so the actions mentioned above may not be suitable for you.

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